Above is a hugely important position in your golf game
Especially if you tend to top or hit the ground before the ball
If you can get this position into your game it will revolutionise your shots especially for the average woman golfer.
At the swing position above I often see a lot of collapsed arms, chicken wings and scooping. As below.
Notice in the top picture: My arms are straight, they are extended out towards the target and my weight is on the front foot with my body turned to face the target.
If I could pick one position that people get wrong the most it would be this one.
Many golfers collapse their arms early in the downswing in an effort to lift the ball into the air.
If you do this the club head will rise up over the top of the ball and you will top, in fact, the more you try and scoop the ball up the more it will go along the ground as you top it. The same fault can also cause you to hit into the ground before the ball.
Bonus Tip:
This position is also essential to your pitching and chipping and even your bunker shots
The more you hit down to the bottom of the ball (rather than scooping) the better quality shot you will hit, no matter what aspect of the game we are talking about.
Good Golfing
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