A lot of golfers, plainly and simply, can’t read the greens
Get down low to see the slope of the green.
When you get down behind a putt to look at the break look at the entire green as well as the line of your putt, this will help you determine which way the ball will break.
Then when you stand over the putt trust your original read, sometimes it looks different when your eyes are over the ball and you tilt your head to the side to see the putt, your eyes are no longer level and you shouldn’t trust what you see, always trust the read you got from standing or crouching behind the line of the putt when your eyes were level.
Try and take notice of the green as you walk towards it, you will get a feel for the lie of the land as you approach the green.
Look from the opposite side of the hole as well if you are not sure and if you have time, this can give you a really good idea of the slope
If you are not sure which way the ball will break HIT IT STRAIGHT
And remember the most important thing is usually the pace of the putt (particularly the longer ones) and not the line so get the speed right before worrying to much about the line,
Bonus Tip:
Did you know that most amateur golfers under read the greens
In other words, if you miss a breaking putt it is usually on the low side of the hole.
Next time you play, try to allow MORE break than you think and see how you go.
Good Golfing