When the pros pitch they have a different length swing for each different distance, anywhere from 20m to about 100m.
The pro’s will have a different length swing for every 10m difference in distance away from the green.
This is obviously impractical for most club golfers, as they simply don’t have the time it takes to practise this kind of accuracy.
A way of using this method but smplifying it to suit you is:
Instead of having a different length swing for each distance pick one distance and get good at that.
For women I would suggest 30 metres and for men 50 metres.
If you practise this distance and get to know what length swing you need (say…hands level with your hips on the backswing) then you can go up or down from there as the distances change.
So ladies if you find yourself at 40 metres then swing a little longer or 20 metres swing a little shorter.
Once you master the one distance you can use it as a starting point and vary the length of your swing up or down from there
Quick Tip.
It is very tempting to try and scoop the ball when pitching.
If you do it will run across the green and over the back
Hit down to the bottom of the ball and brush the grass under the ball…keep the left wrist straight as you sweep through the shot.
Good Golfing