Do you struggle to get your short putts in consistently?
This is a great little tool to see if your putter is lined up straight to the hole every time
The no.1 reason for missed short putts is a badly aligned putter face.
Its hard to tell if your putter face is square to the target every time.
I say target because you may not be aiming at the hole each time, you may be allowing for break and aiming to the left or right of the hole.
Most right handers have a tendency to aim to the right of the hole for both putts and normal fairway shots, There is no real reason for this other than the fact that we are on the side of the ball in golf and it is not easy to line your self up correctly consistently.
The pros are always checking their alignment by getting their caddy to check for them or laying a club across their toes when practising.
You can make this little tool yourself with a piece of cardboard
and a permanent marker, just create a right angle copying the tool pictured above and then keep a regular check on your putter face, simply line yourself up to the hole and place the tool across the putter face and check if its aimed correctly.
Its a great trick to check your alignment.
Good Golfing