Why you need width in your swing
The picture above shows my left arm straight allowing good width (distance between my hands and my body)on the backswing…..
But good width also applies to the downswing and follow through, you need good extention out and away from your body with your arms straight throughout most of your swing.
The arms only collapse well after impact and right up around your head.
The picture above shows poor width with my hands too close to my body, its very difficult to get power and consistency of strike from this position.
So in summary to get width, keep your arms straight for most of the swing (the right arm folds on the backswing), break at the wrist and not the elbow (as below) and allow your shoulders to turn back and through, this helps to keep those arms straight.
Bonus tip.
Try the basketball drill:
Take your basic golf posture, bent at the hips and knees, weight into the front of your feet.
Imagine you are holding a basketball out in front of you.
Turn your shoulders to pass it to the person standing to your right (this simulates the backswing)
Then turn to pass it to someone on your left, this simulates the follow through.
Keep the ball out and away from you as you turn back and through to simulate the extension.
Good Golfing
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